What is personal genomics?

A "genome" is the term used to describe the complete genetic make-up of an individual (the information encoded in the DNA). Developments in genetic science and new technologies mean that information in a person's genome can now be accessed through a broad range of tests that examine differences/variations across a person's genome. Personal genomics refers to this type of testing.

How can I access personal genomic testing?

This study is not about offering a personal genomic test. We are interested in your experience and/or thoughts on this topic. The Genioz Study is not supported by any commercial testing services and we do not advocate for or against any of the testing services or for any particular tests. We are funded by the Australian Research Council and supported by the Australian Genomics Health Alliance (a national study that is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council).

Who can take part in a forum?

Genioz will be conducting a forum about one of three different topics in various locations around Australia: Family history testing; personal genomic testing that may be useful for parents and children; nutrition, wellness and fitness. Anyone who is 18 years and over can participate in a Genioz forum. You don't have to know anything about genetics or genomics. You can register your interest in a forum by following this link. 

How can I be involved in the study?

You can be involved by registering for a Genioz forum near you by following this link. A member from our research team will then be in contact with you. (Please note: Not every topic will be offered in every city)

Has the study been ethically approved? 

The University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee has granted ethics approval for our research. If you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this research project, you can contact the Manager, Human Research Ethics, Research Ethics and Integrity, The University of Melbourne by phone 8344 2073 or email [email protected] quoting Ethics ID 1749084.

How will the information I provide be kept private?

We will protect your anonymity and keep your responses confidential. Any identifying information - such as name or contact details - will be kept separately from research data. 

All data and information will be securely stored on password-protected computers in the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Australia. Only the research team involved in the study can access identifying information.

What are the benefits of participating?

You will have the knowledge that you will be part of the first large scale Australian study to explore attitudes towards personal genomics. 

Via your contribution you will be part of a large collaborative effort to understand what genomics means to people; this will help to design materials to support people making decisions about personal genomic testing. You may enjoy being able to share your views.

How can I find out about Genioz study findings?

The study team will provide updates on this study website once analysis is complete. We will also share our findings through the media and in publications. You can also follow the Genioz research study through the following social media platforms below: