Welcome to all of the publications generated from the Genioz study
Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) - position statement for online DNA testing
Members of the Genioz research team: Jacqueline Savard (lead), Sylvia Metcalfe and Bronwyn Terrill were part of a working group to develop a position statement about online DNA testing on behalf of HGSA, 18th September, 2018.
Read the position statement here
From Stage 1, focus groups
From Stages 2 and 3, survey and interviews
Testing for nutrition and wellness
Here is the abstract of our content analysis of websites advertising personal genomic testing for nutrition and wellness. The full pre-peer reviewed version and a checklist for website providers of nutrition and wellness testing can be accessed below the abstract.
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article which differs slightly from the final published version: [Tutty E, Hickerton C, Adamski MM, Metcalfe SA. Personal genomic testing for nutrition and wellness in Australia: A content analysis of online information.Nutr Diet. 2019 Jan 28. , which has been published in final form at []. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions."
A basic checklist of online information for service providers and potential consumers of personal genomic testing for nutrition and wellness - This is the Supplementary Table 1 from the paper
Ethical critique from Stage 1 and 3, focus groups and interviews
Click here to read about consumer autonomy and choice in personal genomic testing. Further findings from the Genioz study.